“Through the alchemy of love and listening,

pain can transform itself into resilience.”

Kaethe Weingarten, PhD

Therapy is an invitation to listen to your life.

A safe space to ask and explore the questions that keep you up at night.

What do I want?

What am I doing with my life?

Why is parenting this child so difficult?

How can we make this relationship work?

We’re often encouraged to hide parts of ourselves to maintain appearances of success, happiness, and perfection.

Therapy is an invitation to explore a new way of being.

What would it feel like to live into the fullness of our human experience?

The mess, the beauty, the pain, the joy, the shame, the anger, the desire, the disappointment, the wonder, and the fear.

Therapeutic approach

I believe that we are relational beings made for deep connection and collaboration and that healing is an embodied process. When we take the courageous step to be with and pay close attention to our bodies, hearts, and minds with curiosity, kindness, and truth, healing begins.

To learn more about my approach to therapy and what you can expect in session, click below.


I provide compassionate psychotherapy for couples and individuals in Washington State over teletherapy and in person in downtown Issaquah.